Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Along the the green River edge, is a very nice long trail that goes on for miles. The dark green waters run through King county. This river is full of history. It the River could talk would have lots things to say and there would be lots mystery' and crimes solved. There would also be interesting conversations and family picnics to share.

On the rivers trail you see lots people walking, jogging and bicycling. also is lots sporting events all day long. is golf course's and soccer Fields, people talking about the games and kids haven a good time. but lets not forget about the great fishing of this river got to offer . every spring when the fishing season open is people fishing all over the rivers edge.

is lots thing to see too
example: lots green trees and bushes with wild flowers, berries and also you see lots small animals; like rabbits and birds. I live very close to the green river trails and i go for a walk or ride my bike almost everyday is nice to see all the people is always somebody new walking , running or bicycling.

When i go to the trails i try not to go late in the afternoon because it gets dark and scary and is people camping under the bridges or over passes . but is so nice and convenience for me.

i guess I'm very lucky to live close by this mysterious green river.


Martha's Writing Blog said...

Hi Javier, I liked the way you express yor self. Now try to add images. Is not hard, I can tell you how to doing if you want to.

javier said...

thank you Martha
I like the way express yourself
too. abouth puting pictures in my blog im just fegure that out today lol; well i think know how.
let me try ok, and i let ya know on fridays class. thanks again Martha.

Liz Falconer said...

I didn't even see this post until today. Great picture! Let's talk about putting the picture and post close together in class, and a few things about words/grammar. Nice job, Javier!

Arturo said...

Hi Javier! good job, I liked your post is very nice.

Arturo said...

Javier I liked your post is very nice keep thinking this way.

Arturo said...

Javier, I liked your post is very nice, keep thinking in this way.