Friday, May 14, 2010


When I watch the national and local news the first thing I see is people talking about Arizona's new law and immigration reforms, presentations and demonstrations. People with flags and signs asking for reasonable and fair immigration law. What can we do about it? And how can we take care of this big problem?It getting out of hand. It is time this government does something about it because is not going away. The politicians use this issue like it is a game, playing with people heads, and getting everybody confused and upset.

Arizona governor Jan Brewer just passed a new law 1070. Anyone who can't prove legal status could be arrested. This new law is really going to hurt The Latino communities in Arizona and all over The states. The governor of Arizona says This new law is going to help to clean up all the drug's traffickers and smugglers in our state. Maybe so. But The Latino community say it will hurt our dignity and also they don't want to be searched because their skin is brown.

The president of United States Barack Obama, promised to all the people who live here illegally in this country to legalize or give permits to stay and work here in The United States. But we all know is just politics. The Latino community is the minority in this country,and every time is a new campaign especially in the south of United States; California,Arizona,New Mexico, Texas and Florida.the politicians say; is time to get the browns skins excited we need the votes and support, they know how to manipulate the people. So they keep using the same old thing over and over again.

The United States of America is made of immigrants from all over the world.We all came to this great nation for a better life and freedom. everyday hundreds of people crossing the U,S borders by land, air and water, with the same dream and good faith just like the first settlers did a long time ago.All and all,yes we do need to secure our borders protect this nation from terrorists and criminals.But this is not the way to do it.